F for

  • Espagne
  • ca
  • en
  • 57'
F for Fontcuberta


The real is linked to photography. But it's a deceptive link. Photomontages, staging, angles… the truth is but an illusion. Joan Fontcuberta knows this, and he pokes fun at it with a very Catalan irony and with great erudition. F for Fontcuberta is a "documenter", stepping up the photographer's game by real-fake interviews. In discovering here the forgotten Professor Ameisenhaufen, or the poor cosmonaut Istochnikov, we are seized by doubt: not about whether this is true or false, but why do we want to believe it? We are seized once more, by a liberating laugh at this Fontcuberta who addresses us with a mischievous wink.

What you will find in this film

Dreamlike photomontages - A parody of science - The art of recycling images - A play on reality - The art of provoking reflection - Making play a reflection - Photographic installations - Installations - A major figure in plastic photography

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Further exploration



Pandora’s camera : ¨Photogr@phy After Photography, Joan Fontcuberta, Mack, London, 2014

Joan Fontcuberta: Fauna, CNDP, Paris 2012

Deconstructing Osama: The Truth About the Case of Manbaa Mokfhi, Joan Miro Foundation, Barcelona, 2007

Camouflages, Joan Fontcuberta, Contrasto, Italy, 2013

Assemblages: Joan Foncuberta, Jean-Jacques Ceccarelli, Louis Pons,  Artothèque A. Arthaud, Marseille, 89