Saul Leiter
In No Great Hurry

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  • 75'
Saul Leiter | In No Great Hurry


In his studio, at home in the Lower East Side, Saul Leiter talks to director Tomas Leach about his family history, his first camera, his beginnings in fashion, and what drives him. A master of colour, he begins taking slides when everyone else is focused on monochrome. His painter's eye leads him towards photographic abstraction, an eye that conveyed an incomparable sense of colour and composition.

What you will learn in this film…

A master of colour photography • His contribution to the history of art • His first camera • The photographer looking for photographs in the street • His work environment • Editing sessions with his collaborator Margit Erb • A selection of archives • His life lessons • His family history • Key meetings • His favourite printer • His painting • What he likes about photography • The effect he wishes to have on those watching

I do like photographs when sometimes everything is lost and where in some corner something is going on you are not quite sure.

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Further exploration


Photographers quoted


• ALL ABOUT SAUL LEITER - authors: Margit Erb, Pauline Vermare et Motoyuki Shibata ; 2018 ; Rm 

• IN MY ROOM - artist: Saul Leiter ; authors: Robert Benton and Carole Naggar ; 2018 ; Steidl Verlag

• THE BALLAD OF SOAMES BANTRY - artist: Saul Leiter ; author: Michael Torosian ; 2018 ; Lumiere Press et Howard Greenberg Gallery ; USA 

• SAUL LEITER: RETROSPEKTIVE / RETROSPECTIVE - collective work under the direction of Brigitte Woischnik ; 2015 ; Kehrer Verlag 

• SAUL LEITER EARLY BLACK AND WHITE - authors: Max Kozloff and Jane Livingston ; 2014 ; Steidl Verlag

• COLORS - artist: Saul Leiter ; 2013 ; Elysee Museum ; Switzerland

• SAUL LEITER PHOTO POCHE #113 - authors: Saul Leiter, Daniel De Bruycker and Max Kozloff ; 2008 ; Centre National de la Photographie ; French 

• EARLY COLOR - artist: Saul Leiter ; author: Martin Harrison ; 2006 ; Steidl Verlag

SAUL LEITER - author: Max Kozloff ; 1999 ; Thames & Hudson Ltd

• RICHARD POUSETTE-DART : THE NEW YORK SCHOOL AND BEYOND - under the artistic guidance of Sam Hunter ; 2005 ; Skira ; USA

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Walker Evans

Eugène Atget

André Kertesz

Eugene Smith