Jodi Bieber
South Africa,
Chromatic Existences

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  • 6'
Jodi Bieber | South Africa, Chromatic Existences


In South Africa, Jodi Bieber returns (brandishing her book Soweto) to the sites where this photographic project took form. By her own admission, she who has known the headline-making days of the townships, and who documented their harshness, here wants instead to show the people in their normal, everyday lives. With much humanity and respect, she shows couples, old and young, "at home". "Fear comes from the unknown," she says. Her photography dispels fear.

What you will find in this film

Neighbourhood life in Soweto • Portraits not clichés • A long-term project close to the inhabitants • Daily life in the townships, never before seen • Jodi Bieber's closeness to her subjects • The artist's words • Her subjects' testimonies • The importance of photographing the interiors of homes

It's not only the person themselves that's extraordinary, it's the environment within their house that tells you so much about them.

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Linked Articles

Further exploration



• BETWEEN DARKNESS AND LIGHT - SELECTED WORKS : SOUTH AFRICA 1994-2010 - artist: Jodi Bieber ; author: Filippo Maggia ; 2018 ; Skira 

• REAL BEAUTY - artist: Jodi Bieber ; 2014 ; Pagina Verlag Gmbh 

• SOWETO - artist: Jodi Bieber ; 2010 ; Jacana Media 

• BETWEEN DOGS AND WOLVES/ GROWING UP WITH SOUTH AFRICA - artist and author: Jodi Bieber ; 2006 ; Dewi Lewis Publishing