Tom Wood
Five Days
With Tom

  • France
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  • 31'
Tom Wood | Five Days With Tom


Irish photographer Tom Wood, affectionately known as "Photie Man" by the people of Liverpool, his adopted city, needs no introduction. He captured it in an almost obsessive manner from 1978 to 2001. His photographs are a tender chronicle of the daily life of the Scousers, from the market to the Anfield football stadium, through its nightclubs and the seaside resort of New Brighton. In front of Emmanuel Bonn's camera, the photographer revisits these places that continue to nourish his work. Back in his home in Wales, against a backdrop of classical music, Tom Wood invites us to dive into his archives and shares his vision of the medium, his life, and the projects that have marked it. A modest and touching portrait of whom Martin Parr calls the "unsung genius of British photography.”

What you will find in this film

A photographer focused on humanity • Candid shots, in color or black & white • Thatcher-era Britain • Liverpool, its working class, its places of living and entertainment, from yesterday to today • The tender gaze of an insider • A ferry ride to the sound of the Beatles • The advantage of not having a driver's license • The influence of James Joyce • A love for vintage postcards • Publishing and exhibition projects • Mothers, daughters, and sisters • The importance of knowing how to look at a contact sheet • How a print can change a photograph.

It seems that I’m exploring my perceptions. I’m exploring vision. I don’t know what it means. These are influenced by my expectations, my intuitions and my memories.
I’m happy to photograph all the time and live life. […] When I’ve got a camera and I can move around, catch everybody’s eyes, a few words with different people. All sense of thing, I make pictures and that’s better for me than going there and just being sociable.

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Further exploration


PHOTIE MAN ; Steidl ; 2005 

WOMEN’S MARKET ; Stanley Barker ; 2018 

TOM WOOD : TERMINI ; GwinZegal ; 2018 

MÈRES, FILLES, SŒURS ; Textuel ; 2019 

TOM WOOD : 101 PICTURES ; RRB Photobooks ; 2020