Portrait Boltanski

Christian Boltanski

Portrait Boltanski

Artiste Plasticien

Born in Paris in 1944 of a Jewish father and a Catholic mother, Boltanski's childhood was marked by the war and the terror of separation: children and parents slept in the same room, ready to leave. None of the children were educated for long. Christian's talent for drawing and his freedom of creation allowed him to break through in 1968. Married to Annette Messager, a reference in contemporary art, Boltanski died in 2021.



•  J'AI RETROUVÉ CHRISTIAN B. - réalisateur : Alain Fleischer ; 2020 ; 117’

L'ART ET LES GÉNOCIDES : FILMER UNE EXPOSITION DE BOLTANSKI - réalisatrice : Camille Robert ; 2010 ; 32’

LES VIES POSSIBLES DE CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI - réalisateur : Heinz-Peter Schwerfel ; 2009 ; 70’ ; DVD ; Arte éditions

 • LA VIE IMPOSSIBLE DE CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI  - auteur et réalisateur : Christian Boltanski ; 1968


Christian Boltanski dead or alive a film by gerald fox 0
Christian Boltanski: Dead or Alive?

Boltanski's world: A blend of sculpture, photography, and history.