Marie-Pierre Bride

Marie-Pierre Bride

Marie-Pierre Bride


Marie-Pierre Bride honed her photographic skills at the renowned Brassaï High School in Paris, where she developed a fervent passion for manual retouching, mastering the delicate art of brushwork. For over a quarter of a century, she was an integral part of the Pictorial Service Laboratory, meticulously retouching the prints of iconic photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Martine Franck, Robert Doisneau, Josef Koudelka, Brassaï, and Jacques-Henri Lartigue, among others. In 2005, leveraging her vast experience and reputation, Bride embarked on an independent journey, establishing herself as a freelance retoucher.



movie category
Marie-Pierre Bride | The Retoucher

Crafting perfection: The meticulous world of traditional photo retouching