movie category

David Bonnier & Marc Hallet
Food photographer

  • France
  • fr
  • en
  • 15'
David Bonnier & Marc Hallet | Profession: Food photographer


Discovering the profession of food photographer at Studio B, Paris, going to and fro between two sets, two photographers, in a beehive atmosphere. To arouse desire, the team (photographer, food stylist and decorator, retoucher, graphics artist) have vast know-how at their disposal, as well as a box of tricks that allows them to recreate the "natural" look. The kitchen is but yards from the set; a fraction of a second separates shooting and post-production. A highly technical exercise, like a bee dance, that demands constant adaptation to product, format and client against a tight timetable.

What you will find in this film

Preparing the set • The importance of the brief • Food styling and decoration • The art of retouching • Behind the scenes • Introduce a dynamic • Diffusers and reflectors • White light, modern light • Suggest movement • Distort the better to demonstrate • How to arouse desire • Integrated digital production line • The importance of teamwork • Nikon D3x • Column stands • From production to post-production • A slice of life in Studio B •

A good shot always starts with two trestles!

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Further exploration



• FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY: FROM SNAPSHOTS TO GREAT SHOTS - Author: Nicole S. Young; Peachpit Press Editions; 2015

• HOW TO PHOTOGRAPH FOOD - Author: Beata Lubas; Ilex Press; 2020



• LE CAMION QUI FUME, BURGERS - Author: Kristin Frederick; artist : David Bonnier; Tana éditions; 2014