Alireza Goudarzi
Iran No Filter #03

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Alireza Goudarzi - Iran No Filter #03


Smartphones and social networks have given rise to a new generation of photographers in Iran, who are showing us a daily life that is usually inaccessible to outsiders. Ten of them tell us about the young people they immortalise and to whom they belong. Young people trying to find their place in a paradoxical society, between coercive tradition and liberating Western influence.

In this episode, Alireza Goudarzi talks about his series on Tehran's cafés, veritable refuges for young Iranians where the boundary between public and private space becomes blurred. It is where he has seen the emergence of a new culture, an ‘Iranised’ Western lifestyle.

What you will find in this film

Iranian society in the throes of change • Iranian youth seen from the inside • a new generation in search of independence • the power of social networks • Western culture as an outlet

These young people come here (in Teheran’s cafes) to escape a controlled public space saturated with stares.
The new Iranian generation is a generation without limits. They want to destroy everything in order to experience new things.

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Further exploration



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