Jane Evelyn Atwood
Photo credit : cinq26

Jane Evelyn Atwood

Jane Evelyn Atwood
Photo credit : cinq26


Born in 1947 in New York, Jane Evelyn Atwood is an American photographer who has made France her home since the 1970s. With a deep-rooted commitment to long-term reportage, Atwood immerses herself in the worlds of her subjects, capturing deeply human stories, often focusing on marginalized or overlooked groups.

Early in her career, she garnered recognition for her poignant work on the initial victims of AIDS and on incarcerated women. Her empathetic approach, combined with a keen eye for detail, has earned her numerous accolades throughout her illustrious career.

From exploring themes such as blindness, landmines, and individuals with physical disabilities, Atwood's oeuvre stands as a testament to the human condition, capturing both vulnerability and resilience.



PIGALLE-PEOPLE 1978–1979; Jane Evelyn Atwood; Éditions le Bec en l’air; 2018.

OUTLAND; Jane Evelyn Atwood; Phaidon Press; 2015; UK.

LEGIONNAIRES; Jane Evelyn Atwood; Éditions Marval; 2014; France.

BADATE; Jane Evelyn Atwood; Éditions Xavier Barral; 2012; France.

HAÏTI; Jane Evelyn Atwood; Éditions Actes Sud; 2010; France.

JANE EVELYN ATWOOD; Éditions Actes Sud; "Photo Poche"; 2010.

SENTIMENTAL JOURNAL; Jane Evelyn Atwood; Éditions du Seuil; 2008; France.

RUE DES LOMBARDS; Jane Evelyn Atwood; Éditions Xavier Barral; 1998; France.

TROP DE PEINES: FEMMES EN PRISON; Jane Evelyn Atwood; Albin Michel; 2000.



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Jane Evelyn Atwood | Around Pigalle

Delving into the lives and streets of Pigalle through Atwood's eyes.

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Patrick Bouteloup & Didier Le Tumelin |Profession: Framer

Behind every masterpiece, a framer’s thoughtful craft.